Holy Week and Easter 2019
Sunday 14th April: PALM SUNDAY
- ST. MARY’S: 8.00am, Holy Eucharist
- ST. THOMAS’: 9.30am, Holy Eucharist with Procession of Palms
- ST. MARY’S: 10.00am, Holy Eucharist with Procession of Palm
- ST. MICHAEL’S: 11.00am, Holy Eucharist and Distribution of Palms
Monday 15th April:
- ST. MARY’S: 7.00pm, Holy Eucharist and Meditation
Tuesday 16th April
- ST. THOMAS’: 7.00pm, Holy Eucharist and Meditation
Wednesday 17th April
- ST. MICHAEL’S: 9.30am, Holy Eucharist
- ST. MARY’S: 10.30am, Holy Eucharist
Thursday 18th April: MAUNDY THURSDAY
- ST. THOMAS’: 10.00am, Stripping of the Altar
- ST. MARY’S: 7.00pm, Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Friday 19th April: GOOD FRIDAY
- ST. THOMAS’: 10.00am, All Age Service
- ST. THOMAS’: 10.45am, Churches Together Walk of Witness
- ST. MARY’S: 3.00pm, Solemn Liturgy of the Passion
- ST. MICHAEL’S: 6.00pm, Meditative Service
Saturday 20th April: HOLY SATURDAY
- ST. MARY’S: 8.00pm, Easter Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter – a service of Light followed by Fireworks and Fizz. All are welcome.
Sunday 21st April: EASTER SUNDAY
- ST. MARY’S: 8.00am, Holy Eucharist
- ST. THOMAS’: 9.30am, Holy Eucharist
- ST. MARY’S: 10.00am, Holy Eucharist
- ST. MICHAEL’S: 11.00am, Holy Eucharist
- ST. WONNOW’S: 11.00am, Holy Eucharist