St Mary’s Choir
The Priory Church of St Mary, in Usk, St.Mary’s Church in Usk has a choir of enthusiastic and fun loving ladies of mixed ages. It is such a pleasure to rehearse with them – a time of fellowship, praise and laughter (and some hard work of course! ) Only a few actually read music so their progress over the last few years has been amazing. It has also been a pleasure to welcome our new organist, Peter Alan, into the fold and his accompaniments have really enhanced our praise and worship.
It has been my intention to introduce more modern worship songs into the 10.30am service at St.Mary’s, principally by arranging a selection for the choir which they sing during communion once a month (usually the second Sunday). For this, the full “squad” are requested to turn out and it has been described (affectionately I might add) as a three line whip! On other Sundays those who are available sing something simpler during this part of the service.
We are also blessed on high days and holidays with the addition of younger members who have left us for University life. It is great to welcome them back into the fold and we are very touched that they are keen to join us. I should like to take this opportunity to thank them all, for their patience, energy and commitment to the music at St.Mary’s. New members are always welcome – do get in touch!
Judith Lee
01291 675404