Revd. Janet tells the stories of modern Christian martyrs in the context of the courage of John the Baptist. Christians should speak out boldly and strongly against evil and wickedness in the world, whatever the cost in personal terms.
Read MoreThis sermon was given by Reverend Tim at St Thomas’, Overmonnow.
Read MoreSunday 22nd November 2020 St Thomas’, Overmonnow. Sermon by the Reverend Janet Bromley.
‘In as much as you have done it to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you have done it to me!’
Read MoreVideo of Bishop Dominic’s sermon on the Feast of Saint Luke and what the Gospel of Luke tells us about taking our mission out into the world. From the St. Wonnow’s live stream on Sunday October 18th.
Read MoreSermon by Revd Janet Bromley
Sunday 6th September 2020 St Mary’s 8.00am
Matthew 18: 15-20
Sermon on the Road to Emmaus, by Reverend Owen Williams
Read MoreThe two part nature of both these stories is important, they are about more than the physical cure of the two men. Jesus goes ahead of us too into all places and all situations – however dark – however evil – however bleak – and in these places we too can see him and learn to follow and to serve – to bring some essence of healing into the world’s grief.
Read Moreby Revd Owen Williams, Sunday 29th Sept 2019
Read MoreSermon by Bishop Dominic, St Thomas, Monmouth, Aug, 2019. Well, today’s Gospel begins with encouraging and comforting words, but then the comfort blanket is thrown off and we are challenged by what it means to live the life of the kingdom.
Read MoreMartha’s story is a reminder that no matter how busy we are, we need to choose the better part and find time to be with God and to listen to him. Sermon by Bishop Dominic, St Mary’s Monmouth 21 July 2019.
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