We ring for Sunday services at St Mary’s from 9.15 am til 10am, and also for weddings , funerals and civic events. We practice Tuesday evening 7.30 til 9pm, and would love to welcome new members…
Read MoreSt Thomas Church is part of the Monmouth & District Food Bank based at the Baptist Church in Monk Street. The bank is happy to receive all donations of in date tinned and packaged foods, and toiletries.
Read MoreMonmouth Priory, Saturdays 9.15 – 10am.
From 9.15 we arrive quietly and settle down to quiet music. We then have a short reading from Lawrence Freeman, leader of the World Community for Christian Meditation. After this, there is a period for silent prayer…
St Thomas’ music group leads the worship at the Family Eucharist, at 9.30 on the first Sunday of the month. The group is made up mainly by young people, and we are fortunate to be supported by a couple of music teachers. We have a wide variety of instruments; trumpets and a horn, clarinets, piano, cello, guitar and harp. The group usually rehearses from 3.15pm on the third Sunday of … Read more
Read MoreWe meet on Thursdays during term time, from 9.45—11.15 and from 1.15—2.45 at St Thomas Church Hall. Tommy Tiddlers was created to offer a space for children to enjoy play and chatting with each other and for mothers, fathers, grandparents and carers (we get them all) to have time to relax and socialize in a safe relaxing environment, forming new friendships and giving support to each other.
Read MoreOsbaston Prayer Group Meets monthly in Osbaston for an hour of sharing and silent prayer. We meet two days before the monthly Eucharist with healing ministry, (the first Saturday of the month), and have a particular focus on prayer for healing. Contact Anne Griffith for more details, 712146.
Read MoreThe Monmouth Branch of the Mothers Union meets at St Thomas’ Church Hall, Overmonnow, on the third Wednesday of each month (except August), at 2.30pm.
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